سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

Yorkville University-University of Melbourne-Australian National

Yorkville Universityis one of the newly established universities in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, which has also hosted applicants to study in Canada with the admission of international students. Yorkville University was founded in 2003 in Fredericton, and the following year established two different campuses in the metropolitan areas of Toronto and Vancouver.



One of Canada"s private and free universities is Yorkville University, whose main campus opened in 2003 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, following the county"s licensing rules.

Yorkville Fredericton University

The first Yorkville University campus was established in a two-story building on 100 Woodside Lane. This university campus often offers master"s degree programs; To study in Canada and Yorkville University in Psychology (Masters), Adult Education (Masters), and Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), you must choose the Fredericton Campus at Yorkville University. Many online programs are offered on this campus from Yorkville University.


Yorkville University Toronto

Yorkville University Central Campus is located in the vibrant hub of Toronto. The campus offers undergraduate business administration, project management, and interior design from Yorkville University; Of course, business administration is not limited to this campus and is also taught on the Vancouver campus.


Yorkville Vancouver

The Vancouver Campus of Yorkville University is located on the beautiful west coast of Vancouver and has strong cultural ties to the Asia-Pacific region. On the campus of Yorkville University is the Department of Business Administration with its affiliates; Accounting, energy management, project management, and supply chain management are held.


York University Courses

The university"s curriculum is designed to allow students to study all days of the year; Graduation can be achieved more quickly by choosing intensive programs.


Tuition at Yorkville University, Canada

Yorkville University offers its own programs of study at different levels, each with its own costs. The average tuition at Yorkville University is about $ 3,000 to $ 5,000.


The only online doctoral program offered online and distance learning is designed in ten semesters of six credits, with tuition of $ 4,500 per semester.



University of Melbourne


Introduction to the University of Melbourne, Australia

The University of Melbourne (Unimelb) is one of Australia"s public research universities. When the university was founded in 1853, it was just a collection of buildings in a large suburban park with four professors and 16 students; But it is now located in the heart of Melbourne"s thriving international city and is consistently on the list of the world"s leading universities and Australia. The University of Melbourne is known as the second oldest university in Australia and the oldest university in Victoria. It is a member of the Group 8 Universities (GO8), the Commonwealth Universities Association (ACU) and the Melbourne Comprehensive Research Universities (Universitas 21).



The faculties and courses offered at this university are as follows:


   1. School of Design

Fields: Design, Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Construction Management, Landscape Architecture, Urban and Cultural Heritage, Urban Design, Urban Planning


2. School of Art

Courses: Ancient World Studies, Anthropology, Arabic Studies, Art History, Asian Studies, Australian Indigenous Studies, Chinese Studies, Classical, Creative Writing, Criminology, Development Studies, Economics, English Studies and Theater, English Studies, European Studies, French Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, German Studies, Hebrew and Jewish Studies, History, History and Philosophy, Indonesian Studies, Islamic Studies, Italian Studies, Japanese Studies, Knowledge and Learning, Law and Justice, Media and Communication Linguistics, Philosophy, Politics and International Studies , Psychology, Russian Studies, Screening and Cultural Studies, Social Theory, Sociology, Spanish and Latin American Studies


3. School of Business and Economics

Fields: Economics, Management, Accounting and Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Digital Marketing, International Business, Entrepreneurship


4. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Courses: Engineering (Biomedicine, Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Civil, Electrical and Electronics, Energy, Environment, Mechanics, Aerospace, Mechatronics, Software, Business and Management), Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology, Data and analyze


5. School of Fine Arts and Music

Fields: Acting and Theater, Composing, Creative Arts and Music Therapy, Dance, Music Design and Production, Ethnography, Film and Television, Indigenous Art and Culture, Music Performance, Music Psychology, Music Theater, Musicology, Visual Arts, Writing Skills

6. School of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

Courses: Auditometry, Speech Pathology, Biomedical Sciences, Dentistry and Oral Health, Health Sciences, Nursing, Optometry, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Social Services

7. Faculty of Basic Sciences

Courses: Science, Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Epidemiology, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Geography, Industrial Research, Biotechnology, Climate Science, Data Science, Ecosystem Management and Conservation, Environment, Environmental Science, Geology, Space Urban green

8. Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences

Courses: Agriculture, Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Sciences and Management, Food Sciences, Food Innovation and Packaging, Veterinary Sciences, Ultrasound of Small Animals, Leadership and Management of Veterinary Professions, Veterinary Studies

9. Melbourne Law School

Fields: Law

10. Melbourne Graduate School

In this college, a large number of courses are taught and offered in postgraduate studies (master and doctorate).

About the Australian National University

The National Universityof Australia (official website of the Australian National University) was established in 1946 in Canberra, the capital of Australia. The university has a rich history of national and international research, and its researchers have played a key role in shaping Australia"s higher education, immigration, citizenship and local economy systems.

 The Australian National University is also a member of the International Alliance of Research Universities, which also includes internationally renowned universities such as Oxford, Cambridge and Berkeley. It is also a member of the Group of Eight Universities and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.

The quality of research at the Australian National University is unrivaled among all Australian universities. According to the latest Australian Research Rankings, 95% of general research and 91% of specific research at this university is above the global standard.

The Australian National University has six Nobel Prize winners, including Brian Schmidt, winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics. The Australian National University is literally an international university, with more than 30% of its students being international students. The university"s 5,000 students live on campus and have full access to the university"s academic and social facilities.

The Australian National University tops the list of top Australian universities and ranks very high in post-graduate student employment, according to the Times Magazine.

last word

The introduction of the University of Melbourne, Australia is over. On this page we have tried to acquaint you with the different dimensions of the University of Melbourne (faculties, fields of study, conditions and documents required for admission). As mentioned in the introduction, the University of Melbourne is one of Australia"s leading and most prestigious universities. Studying at this university can guarantee your future career and life.

If you wish to continue your studies in Australia or the University of Melbourne, you can benefit from the advice and guidance of univlyexperts by completing the initial evaluation form. With years of experience in immigration, univly Immigration Institute is proud to be with you from the beginning to the end of the immigration process.


Algoma University-Canadian Mennonite Museo-Mount Allison Univers

La Universidad de Algomase estableció el 17 de diciembre de 1965, en el antiguo edificio del internado indígena Shingwauk de Canadá, y desde el principio ha tenido la misión especial de nutrir y aprender interculturalmente a las comunidades indígenas y otros ciudadanos.



Desde su fundación en 1965 hasta el 18 de junio de 2008, Algoma College estuvo afiliado a la Universidad Laurentian (ubicada en la ciudad de Sudbury) y se conoció formalmente como Algoma College. En 2008, bajo la ley provincial, se emitió la carta de la Universidad de Algoma, Canadá, para convertir a esta institución educativa en la universidad más pequeña de Canadá.


Como hemos dicho, el campus principal de Algoma se encuentra en la ciudad de Sue Marie; Durante las décadas de operación continua del complejo, se establecieron otras sucursales en Timmins y Brampton, Ontario.


El enfoque principal de Algoma U ha sido satisfacer las necesidades de los ciudadanos del norte de Ontario en los campos de las artes liberales, las ciencias básicas, la administración y las materias técnico-profesionales. Estos programas educativos se llevan a cabo en clases pequeñas con el método de educación participativa en un ambiente centrado en el estudiante y han creado valiosas oportunidades educativas y de investigación para aquellos interesados ??en la migración académica.


La Biblioteca Arthur A. Wishart en el campus de la Universidad de Algoma, Canadá, es miembro de la Asociación Canadiense de Bibliotecas de Investigación y del Consejo de Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Ontario, y es un colaborador valioso de OCA.


La Universidad de Algoma también es conocida por albergar el Centro George Leach (GLC);


Otro centro de estudiantes del instituto se llama Speakeasy, que ofrece cafeterías de pared a pared para los estudiantes; En este complejo se realizan noches de karaoke, ambiente acústico para noches de micrófono abierto, fastuosas fiestas, bandas en vivo, noches de comedia y cenas culturales.



Canadian Mennonite Museo

Quiénes son los menonitas?

Menonitas Los menonitas son un grupo de inmigrantes que emigraron de Rusia a América del Norte y Europa. Este grupo de personas todavía vive en diferentes países. Y están lejos de la tecnología. Estas personas creen que deben vivir una vida sencilla. De la ropa al estilo de vida y lejos de la tecnología.


Por supuesto, algunos de ellos son más equilibrados y si bien tienen una vida sencilla, también utilizan las posibilidades de la tecnología. Y algunos de ellos tienen creencias más fuertes conocidas como Amish.

Museo de Historia Menonita

En este museo se exhibe la forma de vida de los menonitas y se puede conocer su forma de vida e historia de vida. La entrada al museo es gratuita, pero recaudan dinero para obras de caridad.

Los menonitas usan ropa sencilla y el color de su ropa es simple. La ropa Amish ni siquiera tiene color y en su mayoría usan colores grises y simples sin diseño. Las barbas de hombre también son un modelo especial. Larga barba sin sibila.


Vestido de mujer menonita Camisa con falda larga plisada con un top sencillo y cuello cerrado y mangas ligeramente abullonadas y una pequeña bufanda triangular, zapatos negros. La tela de sus pueblos es en su mayoría florecillas con fondos verde oscuro, carmesí, carmesí y negro, y los hombres en su mayoría blusas y pantalones de tela, y en las ceremonias chaquetas y pantalones negros con blusas blancas, incluso los niños tienen blusas blancas y chalecos y pantalones negros y zapatos Se visten de negro.

Vimos algunas fotos interesantes en una parte del museo. Fotos grupales de iraníes que visitaron a los menonitas en nombre de la Asociación Islámica. En estas fotos, se dice que los musulmanes y los menonitas tienen muchas similitudes, y uno de los tipos de estas similitudes es su vida sencilla y la creencia de que van al cielo.


Mount Allison University


University of Mont Allison Canada

Mount Allison University is a secular but affiliated educational institution of the United Church of Canada that focuses on undergraduate liberal arts teaching. Mount Ellison University was founded in June 1939 in Squill, New Brunswick, Canada, and opened on January 19, 1843.


The institute was founded on the grounds of an individual endowment named after Charles Frederick Allison, and was named Mount Ellison in honor of his financial contributions to the construction of the university. The 180-year-old university is one of the few old Canadian universities that has accepted students from the beginning as a "university".


Mount Allison University was the first university in the British Empire to award a bachelor"s degree to a woman; Grace Annie Lockhart graduated in 1875 with a bachelor"s degree from the university. James B. Sumner, an American chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1946, taught at Mount Allison University from 1910-1911.


This educational institution has a long history compared to other Canadian universities and has left beautiful and valuable buildings. Although the renovation and construction of new structures has given the university a modern color and glaze; But the value of its old buildings has not diminished.


Annually, more than 2,000 students are admitted to the University of Mont Ellison, of which less than 20 are graduate students and the rest are undergraduate students.


Mount Allison University focuses on extracurricular activities that also fill students" leisure time; To this end, more than 140 clubs and associations, as well as more than 30 sports teams, have been created at Mount Allison University, which has a lot to say at the university club level.


The University of Mont Alison"s The Argosy is an independent weekly magazine. This publication has been published since 1872; Hence, it is one of the oldest student publications in Canada. CHMA 106.9 FM Radio Station, operated by members of Attic Broadcasting Company Ltd, is a non-profit organization based on the campus of Mount Allison University and managed by the University.


The university"s play studies are located in the theater hall of the complex and are managed by the Tintamarre theater company.


The quality of education in this university has made it possible for students to enter the top universities in the world to continue their education; So far, 55 students from the University of Mont Ellison have received the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University.


Mount Allison University students can participate in student transfer programs after completing a certain number of courses and be transferred to other European countries and even American universities to continue their studies.



Si también quieres estudiar en la Universidad de Algoma, pero no sabes cómo postularte, te sugerimos que visites la Universidad de Ottawa. Simplemente complete el formulario de evaluación del sitio gratuito. Los expertos y consultores de la colección univlyte ayudarán en este sentido examinando la información contenida en el formulario y con larga experiencia en el campo de la migración académica.



Bishop.s University- Capilano University –South Australian Insti


Bishop University, fundada en 1843, es una institución predominantemente residencial. Su objetivo principal es brindar la experiencia de pregrado más importante en Canadá con un enfoque en la educación de las personas. La Escuela Bishop es un científico líder en humanidades, ciencias sociales y naturales, negocios y educación.

El hermoso campus y las íntimas aulas de la Universidad, ubicadas en Sherbrooke, en los suburbios del este de Quebec, Canadá, fomentan un ambiente tanto informal como informal. La Escuela Bishop de Artes y Ciencias ofrece una amplia selección de cursos y programas a través de tres departamentos: Humanidades, Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas y Ciencias Sociales. Algunas de las disciplinas más populares incluyen psicología, inglés, historia, neurociencia, estudios deportivos y premedicina.

Los estudiantes de Williams Business School obtendrán una Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas o una Licenciatura en Artes con una orientación comercial para los estudiantes que desean combinar su negocio con otra materia. Las concentraciones de BBA que se ofrecen incluyen contabilidad, finanzas, gestión y liderazgo global, y marketing y espíritu empresarial.

La formación de maestros es una parte de larga data de la tradición del obispo. La Escuela de Educación busca desarrollar médicos reflexivos con potencial de liderazgo y compromiso con el poder transformador de la educación. La escuela también ofrece un título de posgrado en MEd para maestros prácticos y directores de escuela.

Bishop ha ampliado su perfil de investigación en los últimos años, con tres cátedras de investigación canadienses, un becario de 3M y cuatro grupos de investigación principales: astrofísica y cosmología, cambio climático a múltiples escalas, transfronterizo (identidad social y cultural) y salud mental. y el bienestar de muchos estudiantes universitarios tiene la oportunidad de trabajar con investigadores líderes a través de una variedad de proyectos, pasantías y diversas oportunidades presupuestarias.



Capilano University


Universidad de Cadillac

La Universidad de Capilano en Canadá ofrece una variedad de programas educativos para aquellos interesados ??en estudiar en la universidad, y los solicitantes pueden elegir fácilmente su campo y futuro en cualquier campo que les interese estudiar. Las siguientes son las áreas de estudio de esta universidad:


Artes y Ciencias: Estudiar artes y ciencias ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar las habilidades de pensamiento crítico necesarias para cualquier profesión. Los programas y cursos de Artes y Ciencias de CapU ofrecen una amplia gama de disciplinas, como escritura creativa, inglés, psicología, ingeniería, biología y más.


Estudios Empresariales y Profesionales: La Universidad de Capilano utiliza activamente la asesoría de empresarios empresarios y con el surgimiento de nuevas técnicas y habilidades en el mundo empresarial, se promueven cursos de capacitación, las áreas que se pueden ofrecer en este campo son: Dirección de Empresas, Dirección de Empresas, Comunicación Estudios, Derecho de Contratos, Gestión Internacional, Estudios Jurídicos, Gestión Empresarial, etc.


Educación, Salud y Desarrollo Humano: Los programas en este campo son impartidos por profesores experimentados y experimentados y disciplinas tales como: liderazgo comunitario y cambio social, cuidado y educación de la primera infancia, cuidado y educación de la primera infancia - bebés y niños pequeños, cuidado y educación de la primera infancia educación Necesidades especiales, acceso a la educación y al empleo, auxiliar de educación, inglés con fines universitarios, auxiliar sanitario, auxiliar de musicoterapia y rehabilitación.


Bellas artes y artes aplicadas: las enseñanzas de este campo son aclamadas por expertos de la industria y artistas y se ofrecen en clases pequeñas.Los campos que se pueden ofrecer en este campo son: animación 3D para películas y juegos, actuación para escenarios y espectáculos, gestión avanzada Arte y entretenimiento, conceptos básicos de animación, gestión artística y liderazgo en entretenimiento en música, diseño de comunicación visual, efectos visuales digitales, documental, cine digital, estudios de jazz, iluminación para imágenes digitales y cine, artes animadas, música, musicoterapia, teatro musical, artes escénicas y teatro técnico


Estudios globales y comunitarios: el plan de estudios se centra en la salud, la buena gobernanza, la economía diversa y el desarrollo internacional.Fisiología: educación física, kinesiología, gestión de actividades recreativas al air



South Australian Institute of Business and Technology(SAIBT)


Universidad de Australia del Sur


La Universidad de Australia del Sur es la universidad pública de investigación más grande del estado de Australia del Sur, establecida en 1991 con la fusión del Instituto de Tecnología de Australia del Sur en 1889 y las Facultades de Educación Superior de 1856. Este centro de ciencias tiene 4 campus en Adelaide y 1 campus en Valaia. La Universidad es una de las fundadoras del Grupo de la Universidad Australiana de Tecnología y su misión principal es mantener, expandir y difundir el conocimiento a través de la educación, la investigación, las becas y el asesoramiento, así como también brindar programas educativos para fortalecer el nivel cultural de la comunidad.


La Universidad de Australia Meridional tiene una gran reputación por sus proyectos de investigación y cuenta con varios centros de investigación, como el Centro de Investigación de Comunicación, Ciencias Biomédicas, Ciencias de Marketing, Mantenimiento de Sistemas y Tecnología. El centro de ciencias también cuenta con varios clubes y clubes deportivos como bádminton, ballet, esgrima, judo, kárate, escalada, kárate shotokan, taekwondo, fútbol, ??baloncesto, hockey, motociclismo, pilotaje, canotaje, voleibol de playa y esquí acuático.





La Universidad de Australia del Sur ocupa el puesto 15 entre las universidades australianas y, además, ocupa el puesto 288 en el mundo según QS World University Rankings 2017-2016.

facultades universitarias

Escuela de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño

Facultad de Comunicación, Estudios Internacionales y Lenguas Extranjeras

escuela de educacion

Facultad de Fisiología, Ocupaciones y Política Social

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud: Los programas de esta facultad incluyen enfermería, partería, farmacia y medicina.

Escuela de Negocios: Los programas de esta escuela incluyen negocios, derecho, administración, mercadeo y negocios.

Facultad de Tecnología de la Información, Ingeniería y Medio Ambiente: Los programas de esta facultad incluyen manufactura avanzada e ingeniería mecánica, ingeniería informática y ciencias de la información, ingeniería eléctrica, construcción ambiental, matemáticas y estadística.




Si ha llegado a la conclusión de que CapU es la mejor opción para ingresar a una universidad canadiense, entonces es mejor reservar una consulta lo antes posible para revisar su situación con expertos con experiencia en univlyobtener la admisión de esta universidad. sin preocupaciones

Saint Mary.s University – Wilfrid Laurier University – Fairleigh

The University of San Marie offers more than 40 undergraduate and more than 30 undergraduate programs in four major faculties and forty departments for applicants to study in Canada. San Marie Higher Education Complex courses are offered at the School of Art, the Sobeys School of Business, the School of Science and the School of Studies and Research (Graduate Studies).

Annually, more than 6,300 students succeed in receiving admission from the programs offered at St. Mary"s University, of which more than 6,000 are undergraduate students. Of this population, only 370 will be the share of master"s and doctoral students.

The students of St. Mary"s under the supervision of five hundred professors acquire knowledge and promote knowledge, and nearly five hundred people break the mechanism of action of students, professors and education in general.

Courses at St. Mary"s University, Canada

The diversity of Saint Mary"s University degree programs has attracted the attention of applicants for student immigration. Sobey St. Mary"s School of Business offers majors in Business, MBA, Executive MBA, Finance, Entrepreneurship and Creativity Technology, Applied Economics, and Management.

 San Mary School of Arts Courses in Art, Environmental Studies, Anthropology, English Language and Literature, Film Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, History, Modern and Classical Languages, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Social Justice and Community Studies, Sociology , Criminology, Asian Studies, Atlantic Studies in Canada, International Development Studies, Irish Studies, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, Women and Gender Studies.

University of St Marys, Canada School of Science for Physics and Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Computing, Psychology, Geography and Environmental Studies, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Data Analysis, Applied Psychology ( Industrial and organizational), applied sciences, etc. issues academic admissions.

St. Mary"s graduate students can study at the School of Canadian Studies in Atlantic Studies, Criminology, Geography, History, International Development Studies, Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Business Administration, Applied Economics, Finance, Industrial Psychology And accept organizational, criminal psychology, applied sciences, computer science and data analysis, English language teaching, philosophy, and computer science.

Applicants for the Ph.D. program at St. Mary"s University, Canada can add to their resume the Philosophy of Applied Science, the Philosophy of Astronomy, the Philosophy of Business Administration, the Philosophy of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the Philosophy of International Development Studies.

Wilfrid Laurier University

Fields of Wilfred Laurer University

The University of Lorraineoffers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in full and part-time through nine faculties for those interested in studying at the University. The names of the WLU courses and colleges are as follows.

Faculty of Arts: The Faculty of Arts is the largest and most diverse faculty at Laurent University with over 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Some of the majors of this faculty are: Anthropology, Applied Water Sciences, Archaeological and Heritage Studies, Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, English, Environmental Studies, Film Studies, French, Geography, History, International Studies, Languages, Law Medieval Studies, North American Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology, Spanish, and Women and Gender Studies

Faculty of Education: Laurier School of Education accepts undergraduate and graduate students in these courses, including practical training for teachers to attend classes, as well as research to advance knowledge and participate in other areas of education for applicants. This school provides.

Graduate School: In this school, more than 45 educational programs in master"s and doctoral degrees in various fields are offered and students are accepted.

School of Music: Laurier School of Music is dedicated to nurturing music artists and creating a creative environment for the success of music-loving students, and accepts students in the fields of folk music, music, and music therapy.

Faculty of Science: In this faculty, more than 30 undergraduate and graduate programs are offered in seven sections and has several prominent research centers. Disciplines such as: Biochemistry / Biotechnology, Biology, Business Management, Science Computer, business management and financial mathematics, chemistry, chemistry and physics, computer science and physics, data science, environmental sciences, health sciences, kinematics, mathematics, physics, psychology and neuroscience are taught in this school.

Lazaridis School of Business and Economics: Different fields of study are offered in three fields of business, economics and entrepreneurship and social innovation at different levels.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: This faculty offers degrees in various educational programs such as: criminology, game design and development, health studies, public health, psychology, etc.

Faculty of Fine Arts: Most of the educational programs of this faculty are experimental and students attend this faculty to experience learning opportunities in the real world. The fields of study of this faculty are: digital media and journalism, English, human rights and human diversity, humanities with the foundations of leadership, law and society, user experience design and studies of youth and children.

Laurier"s Lyle S. Hallman School of Social Work: The school offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in social work, and teaches social justice, justice, and flexibility to students in general.

Ferley Dickinson University Canada

FDU is one of the private universities in the United States with four different campuses. In addition to the online education platform, it has two main campuses in New Jersey, one in Vancouver, Canada and one in the southeast of the United Kingdom. Is.


The Vancouver Campus Fairleigh Dickinson University is the university"s newest campus, established in September 2007 in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Fairleigh Dickinson University Higher Education Complex is located in the Yaletown area of ??Yaletown, close to the city"s public library, surrounded by the city"s student residences and important administrative centers.


Applicants for study immigration to Canada can apply for admission to the FDU University Campus after completing a certain number of courses on the New Jersey State Campus.


The mechanism of this American institute is managed and organized under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of British Columbia, and at the end, graduates are awarded an American degree. In addition to the international students who have been admitted to the Fairleigh Dickinson University Higher Education Complex, staff, faculty and staff from 53 countries have been selected.


The FDU Vancouver Campus is one of the few opportunities for international students to earn an American degree by studying in Canada and living in the small, multicultural community of Fairleigh Dickinson University.


As the largest private university in New Jersey, Ferrell-Dickinson annually admits more than 12,000 undergraduate and graduate students, attracting more than 1,000 international students from around the world.




Si ha decidido que WLU es la mejor opción para ingresar a una universidad canadiense, entonces es mejor reservar una consulta lo antes posible para verificar sus condiciones con expertos con experiencia en univlyy obtener la admisión de esta universidad sin preocupaciones. .

University of New Brunswick – Thompson Rivers University – Laure

here are three sets of requirements for admission to the University of New Brunswick: Applicants for admission to the University of New Brunswick and then for a student visa must meet these three requirements in order to apply for admission. These three sets are as follows:

 • Proficiency in English

Applicants wishing to be admitted to the UNB Undergraduate Program but whose mother tongue is not English are required to pass one of the following English language proficiency tests to enter most university programs directly: TOEFL Certificate with a minimum overall score of 85, IELTS Certificate with Minimum score 6.5, CAEL certificate with minimum overall score of 60, Pearson Vue Test certificate with minimum overall score of 59, CEA certificate with minimum overall score of 176, Duolingo certificate with minimum overall score of 115

• Country-specific admission requirements

All applicants from countries that complete the high school curriculum or equivalent are eligible for admission, which is a prerequisite for Iranian applicants to have a pre-university degree with a minimum grade point average of 14 and the official version of high school and pre-university transcripts

• Specific admission requirements for each field of study

When applying for admission to this university, you must be eligible for admission to the University of New Brunswick, depending on the field in which you intend to study.

Courses at the University of New Brunswick

Multiple courses are offered at 11 universities in the University of New Brunswick for those interested in studying in Canada, and the university is divided into two campuses, which are divided into two campuses, Fredericton and St. John.

School of Art: Most of the courses offered at Fredericton Campus include: Anthropology, Archeology, Classics and Ancient History, Creative Writing, Culture and Media Studies, Drama, Economics, English, French, History & Politics, Science Humanities and Languages, International Development Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology, etc.

School of Business: In this school, specialized courses in the field of business and management are offered.

School of Computer Science: This school specializes in computer science at various levels and accepts students on both campuses of the University of New Brunswick.

Faculty of Education: In the Faculty of Education of this university, courses related to the education of educational levels are offered.

School of Engineering: Courses such as chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer engineering, geological engineering, and mechanical engineering are taught at the University of New Brunswick School of Engineering.

Faculty of Science: In this faculty, fields of study such as: biological sciences, biology, chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics and statistics and physics are offered.

The faculties of Nursing, Renaissance Studies, Law, Kinesiology and Forestry also offer specialized courses related to each faculty and accept students in all levels of education.

Thompson Rivers University

Thompson Rivers University Rankings

According to information provided on the 4icu website, the current ranking of Thompson Rivers University (Thomson Rivers) is 46th among Canadian universities and 1493rd among world universities.

Admission requirements for Thompson Rivers University

Each year, Thomson Rivers University welcomes more than 3,500 students from nearly 100 different countries each semester. Generally, you will need a credit card and $ 100 to receive your application from the Department of Admissions to receive confirmation or the same letter of admission to the university. In addition, you should be careful to submit your application for each of the January, May, and September semesters before the October 1, February 1, and June 1 deadlines.

If you want to study in Canada in 2021, you will need to submit the following documents to the Thompson Rivers University Admissions Department:

• Translation of the latest university degree

• Academic transcripts

• Receipt of payment of admission fee

• Valid student passport

• Motivation letter (for master"s and doctoral degrees)

• Justified curriculum

• Student"s full resume and academic record

• Recommendations from professors (at the request of the university)

• Academic related articles and research (if any)

• Letter of financial ability to prove the coverage of tuition and living expenses

• Certified TOEFL and IELTS language certificate

• Translation of transcripts of 3 years of high school

• Diploma translation

Finally, after receiving the university admission letter, you should consider obtaining a student visa from the Canadian Embassy. It should be noted that obtaining a Canadian student visa and biometric fingerprinting is subject to a separate fee to the embassy.

Tuition of Thompson Rivers University

According to the university"s website, the average tuition required for the first year of non-native students is C $ 18,910, while the cost of $ 2,000 for books and campus equipment, $ 5,310 to $ 8,400 for student accommodation, and The cost of $ 4,835 for food, transportation, etc. will be added.


The average expenses announced by the university website are calculated based on two semesters and 5 undergraduate courses. Of course, tuition and tuition fees will be higher for students in specialized fields such as medicine and MBA management. For example, the tuition fee for the three semesters of the MBA course is C $ 30,571, and for the master"s degree in data science, the tuition fee is $ 35,700 for the four semester courses.


Laurentian University


Courses at Laurentine University

A wide range of majors are offered at Lawrence University"s 5 faculties for those interested in studying at the university, and some of the majors are listed below:


Faculty of Arts: In this faculty, disciplines such as: Ancient Studies, Anthropology, Classical Studies, Communication Studies, Criminology, Economics, English - Literature and Rhetoric, Environmental Studies, Fine Arts, Geography, History, Indigenous Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies , Law and Justice, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Labor Studies, etc. are offered.


Faculty of Education: This faculty trains future teachers and delivers them to communities by offering a field of education. The school offers curricula in both English and French.


School of Health: The fields of study of this school that are offered in English are: Genetics, Social Work, Kinesiology, Midwifery, Nursing, Sports and Physical Education, Sports Psychology


School of Management: The fields of study of this school are: Accounting, Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Management, Marketing, Operations Management


Faculty of Science, Engineering and Architecture: The subjects taught in English at this faculty are: Jurisprudence, Archeology, Architecture, Behavioral Neuroscience, Biology, Medical Physics, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Forensic Medicine, Interdisciplinary sciences, mathematics, mining engineering, medicinal chemistry, radiotherapy, restoration biology, zoology, etc.


All five faculties of the university also offer a number of courses in French for those interested in studying in this language.


Tuition at Laurentine University

Annual tuition for most Lorenz University undergraduate courses for the university"s international students is in addition to C $ 27,513. Some of the university"s majors have different tuition fees, including: $ 35,318 per year in engineering, $ 28,068 in business administration, and $ 34,132 in architecture.

Other expenses such as tuition, rent or accommodation, food, transportation, etc. are calculated for each student during their studies in Canada and the city of Sudbury, which varies depending on the type of life of each person, but the approximate amounts for this The costs are calculated as follows:


The cost of providing school supplies is approximately $ 750 per year, and the approximate cost of renting a house or dormitory for one academic year is about $ 7,000. Also, the cost of feeding each person is estimated at between $ 3,500 and $ 5,500 per year, to which $ 1,200 must be added as transportation costs.




If you have come to the conclusion that Lawrence University is the best option for you to get admission to a Canadian university, then it is better to book a consultation as soon as possible to check your conditions with experts from univlyand get admission from this university without any worries.